Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Parliament has passed a special adjournment motion moved by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare today.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in the motion, sought approval for the postponement of Parliament till Monday next week.

He says the special adjournment will allow the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to look at the 2015 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2015.

Prime Minister Sogavare says a number of government commitments including payment for teachers’ allowances and payment for claims of police officers engaged in border security are factored into the bill.

The Prime Minister said Parliament needs to deal with the supplementary appropriation bill as a matter of urgency so that the government can proceed with preparations for the 2016 Budget, which should be passed by Parliament by Christmas.

In his contribution to the motion, Opposition Leader Hon. Jeremiah Manele said they fully understand the reason for the adjournment and fully supports the motion.

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