Forum Economic Ministers at the 18th FEMM in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

Forum Economic Ministers at the 18th FEMM in Honiara. Photo credit: SIBC.

A Pacific Islands Forum team that recently reviewed developments in Solomon Islands has noted positive outcomes in a number of Government processes and systems.

Solomon Islands took part in the Peer Review last year, of which government processes and systems of development planning, budgeting, public financial management and aid management were assessed.

Speaking today at the launch of the Peer Review’s Report on Solomon Islands, the Development Planning and Aid Coordination Minister, Connelly Sandakabatu said the team noted positive outcomes covered in a number of areas.

Minister Sandakabatu also said the review team noted indications that the central government is expanding its capacity in development.

“There are indications that the Central Government is expanding its capacity to plan, manage and implement national development processes, highlighting significant improvements in financial management capacity, ensuring stronger controls on public expenditure and increased capacity for macroeconomics management. Whilst highlighting improvements and good practices, the review team has also pointed us to the challenges that remain and areas for improvement that needs the attention of the government and its partners.”

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretary-General, Tuiloma Neroni Slade officially handed over the Solomon Islands Peer Review report to Minister Connelly Sandakabatu today in Honiara.

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