Hon. Manasseh Sogavare in Parliament. Photo credit: SIBC.

Hon. Manasseh Sogavare in Parliament. Photo credit: SIBC.

Prime Minister Manasseh Damukana Sogavare says his intention is to have the Prime Minister’s Office manned by people with integrity.

Introducing the sine die motion yesterday, Prime Minister Sogavare says political appointees must be professionals with integrity and appropriate qualifications to advice and drive government plans to meet the people’s expectations.

“My intention is to have the Office manned by people with integrity and appropriate qualifications to drive the government’s development strategies to meet the expectations of our people, because these are the people who are very close to the government and drive it, not those who only carry papers around doing nothing though looking very busy but are really not pushing anything Mr. Speaker. I want people who sit there, make decisions, give sound advise and help the government move forward, not people who go around seeking advise from others instead of being advisers, going around circles.”

Mr Sogavare adds, he is pleased with the level of interest for some of these top political posts.

“And for that I am happy with the kind of people who have make indications and these are people of high and, well few PhD’s have applied Mr. Speaker and we will seriously look at to man one of the offices and that is probably Policy Evaluation Unit but of course we also are looking at the recommendations by the three major political parties and other smaller parties that make up this government Sir.”

SIBC News understands Parliament stands sine die today.

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