Police launch operation to destroy crocodile sighted in Bonegi


Police officers responding to the crocodile threat in the Bonegi area. Photo: Police media

The Police Response Team is on a mission to find and kill a crocodile that was spotted in Bonegi, North West Guadalcanal.

Police said the saltwater crocodile was reportedly seen near the popular Bonegi Two Beach.

Assistant Police Commissioner, National Operations Mostyn Mangau said managing the crocodile population is a priority for the police force.

“It is very important that the community reports to police any sightings of dangerous reptiles and that they stay away from water where crocodiles are sighted,” Mr Mangau said. “The RSIPF will respond to the threat of crocodiles whenever the community requires it.”

A spate of recent crocodile attacks across the country, including several that resulted in death, have caused concern among citizens.

Some are calling for the ban on exporting crocodile skins to be lifted as a way to incentivise killing the reptiles and reduce their population.

By Zeri Leni

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