Police remove bomb in Honiara’s CBD



EOD officers removing the bomb

The Royal Solomon Islands Police force have successfully diffused a unexploded bomb in the center of Honiara near the Advanced Technology Building in the Point Cruz area yesterday afternoon.

The RSIPF Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team successfully carried out the operation to render the bomb safe by defusing the projectile before safely transporting it to Hells Point in the Alligator Creek area in East of Honiara.

The operation started in the morning, where more than 100 officers cleared the main streets in the city’s CBD.

A number of shops, business houses , including the main central market were closed down in the afternoon to allow the bomb unit to carry out the operation.

Police commissioner Matthew Varley said the operation was successful, and thanked members of the public for adhering to police advice.

“I am very humbled by the positive response of the people. They stayed off the streets and moved from their houses and offices to safer locations when the operation was underway,” he said.

Furthermore I wish to thank all the RSIPF officers especially the EOD team who took part in the successful operation for a job well done. As Commissioner I have all the confidence in the professionalism shown by the EOD team and all our officers in carrying out such an operation at short notice.”

Mr Varley said the successful outcome of the Render Safe Operation yesterday was a clear manifestation of the capability of the RSIPF to deal with such situations for the safety of the country’s citizens.

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