An example of vegetable farming. Photo: Courtesy of Healthyorganic

An example of vegetable farming. Photo: Courtesy of

The Catholic Women’s Ministry at Ruavatu Parish, North East Guadalcanal are embarking on farming as one of their major priority plans for this year.

This decision was reached after their first meeting this week.

SIBC’s West Are’are stringer Gabriel Riotarau, currently teaching at Ruavatu secondary school reported the women’s Coordinator, Tina Tavoria as saying farming is possible through support from friends at Christchurch in New Zealand.

“I asked Mrs. Tavoria why the program came about? She told me the idea was made possible through assistance from friends at Christchurch in New Zealand, who donated funds to them. At first the funds were donated to them in 2004 and being used purposely to support the women in terms of medical needs in the region after the ethnic tension”.

Mrs. Tavoria calls on women in the parish who do nothing to join them farm and raise their livelihoods.

SIBC News understands the women’s group has been receiving support from their New Zealand friends since 2004.

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