From Left to right, Minister of Education, Hon. Lanelle Tanangada, Permanent Secretary Dr. Franco Roddie , and SITESA CEO Constance Nasi cutting the scholarship cake.

The online application for the 2020-2021 Scholarships has officially launches today, in Honiara.

The Solomon Islands Tertiary Education and Skills Authority ((SITESA) within the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MERHD) launches the online application platform.

The application site will open for the public accesses and application filing, Monday next week.

The launching also opens the 2021 scholarship as well as the launch of SITESA website.

The scholarship applications platform was launched by the Minister of Education, Hon. Lannelle Tanagada.

Launching of the online platform by the Minister and Permanent Secretary

MEHRD Permanent Secretary Dr. Franco Roddie said it’s a historical milestone for the the SIG scholarship system.

“The system reduces nepotism, biasness, and corruption in the selection processes.”

The website was developed by Insights Pacific Ltd.

by Charley Piringi

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