PSC Chair Eliam Tangirongo addressing the PS's. Photo: SIBC.

PSC Chair Eliam Tangirongo addressing the PS’s. Photo: SIBC.

Permanent Secretaries of Government Ministries have been told to stop moving non-performing officers, and improve their Performance Management Systems.

Chair of the Public Service Commission, Eliam Tangirongo told Permanent Secretaries yesterday moving non-performing officers from one Government Ministry to another has become a practice as discovered by the Commission’s recent monitoring and evaluation exercise.

Mr Tangirongo said Permanent Secretaries won’t solve their problems by moving non-performing officers around, and are only passing the problem onto other ministries.

He said this practice must be stopped.

“One of the findings is that no passing around of those who are not performing at work, those who had bad work records, they should be terminated. This exercise from the Commission tell the PS’s this will stop, no passing of people around. You’ve been passing people around because you didn’t warn them, you are not doing you job in giving them first or second warning maybe because they are your best friends, wantoks, or you’re not following processes to warn them, you’ll be complaining again at the end of the year.”

Meanwhile, the Public Service Commission Chair said all Permanent Secretaries must warn their work force about punctuality, work absenteeism and their inefficiency at work.

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