City Mayor Mua was one of the candidates nominated. Photo: Courtesy of Taiwanese Embassy.

City Mayor Mua was one of the candidates nominated. Photo: Courtesy of Taiwanese Embassy.

Three people – all male – have been nominated to contest yesterday’s election for Governor General.

The Office of the Clerk to Parliament confirmed it received the three candidates names at the close of nominations at 4pm Monday.

According to the National Parliament’s Web site, the candidates are the incumbent Sir Frank Ofagioro Kabui, the Archbishop for the Anglican Church of Melanesia David Vunagi and the Mayor of the Honiara City Council, Andrew Mua.

The elections commences at 10am yesterday.

Yesterday’s election will be done by secret ballot and the Clerk to Parliament is expected to announce the next Governor General as soon as the elections is done.

Following the announcement, the Prime Minister will move a motion for an Address announcing the Governor-General designate to be presented to Her Majesty the Queen, and a request for the person to be appointed to the office of the Governor-General.

The formality is expected to reflect the results and to conclude the election for the post.

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