U.S. Marines Hold 81st Anniversary Ceremony for Landing at Guadalcanal


As the sun rose over Honoraria on Monday morning, more than 100 people attended the 81st anniversary ceremony of the U.S. Marines landing at Guadalcanal on August 7, 1942.

In attendance was the Governor General Reverend David Vunagi and Prime Minister Manesseh Sogavare.  Both men laid wreaths to honor the fallen men who lost their lives during the campaign from August 1942 to February 1943.

Governor General Sir David Vunagi, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare with leaders at the Guadalcanal 81st Anniversary

The commander of Task Force Koa Moana, Lt. Col. Robert Hillery, spoke on behalf of the United States Marine Corps. Hillery touched on the bond the U.S. Marines formed with the Solomon Islanders during the Guadalcanal Campaign. In his speech, Hillery highlighted how Solomon Scouts and Coastwaters played a vital role in helping the U.S. Marines drive the Japanese Army out of the Solomon Islands. Hillery said “The sacrifices the Islanders made will never be forgotten.”

American Soldiers at the Guadalcanal 81st Anniversary

Several more members of the Solomon Island parliament laid wreaths to pay tribute during the ceremony. Representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Papua New Guinea, Japan and China also attended the ceremony to pay their respects.


-US Embassy Honiara Press Release

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