Around 20 untrained teachers in the Shortlands have not received their salaries since the beginning of the year.
Reporting from Nila Shortlands, SIBC’s Gina Maka’a says Mr. Peter Haia from the Shortlands Education Authority told her, the teachers did not receive their salaries since January this year after the teaching service Commission ceased their pay.
Mr. Haia says the actions of the Commission is a slap in the face of teachers in Shortlands because untrained teachers have always assisted qualified teachers in the past.
Meanwhile, Gina says a head Teacher Flora Kennedy told her, the absence of untrained teachers has affected the attendance of students to classes.
“Head Teacher of the St. Martin Primary School in Maleai Flora Tomo Kennedy said since the untrained teachers started attending classes, she noticed that students begin to miss classes and she is calling on the Western provincial education authority to quickly send trained teachers to the Shortland islands.”
SIBC News could not verify reasons for their salary termination.