WARA Launches two new books
By Eliza Kukutu
The West Are’Are Rokotanikeni Association (WARA) launched two new books in Honiara yesterday.
The “Basic Leadership and Governance Skills” and the “ Sisihora Rete-Women in Business Stories” books are written by WARA Founder, Dr. Alice Pollard and her team.
Speaking to SIBC News, Dr. Pollard said the development of the books are to amplify women’s voices in the society.
” I see that it is important to document women’s voices. Often, women in rural villages and even Honiara keep to their private spheres.”
“So, one way we can get their voices to be heard, for people to know about what they are doing and the challenges they are going through is to put it into print,” she said.
WARA is one of the leading Women’s Savings Club in the country, promoting the economic empowerment and leadership of women.
Since its inception in 1999, WARA continues to provide financial literacy and management skills trainings to its growing members.
With the launching of the books, Dr. Pollard highlighted the contribution of its young women members who have taken on leadership roles at WARA.
“We see that WARA is aging, as those of us who have started this group are getting old. So I see the engagement of young women in this group as timely, for us to teach and guide them to drive the organization forward.”
Australia supported WARA with the printing of the books through their Civil Society Strengthening Program.
Speaking at the launch, Australian High Commission Governance Councillor, Nicole Smith said Australia is pleased to support civil society groups in the country.
“We are pleased to support local civil society advocacy groups through our program which was stood up just earlier this year.”
“ This was really in recognition that Australia wasn’t doing what it needed to do to support local voices and we really wanted to hone in on women’s voices,” she said.
SIBC News understands, the books will be used by 13 stakeholders to assist 6,000 members across the country.