Warriors’ quarterfinal hopes in tatters


Kensi Tangis missed a crucial penalty in the first half.

Solomon Warriors chance of making it into the quarterfinal of the OFC Champions league is in tatters after being defeated by AS Magenta in Lawson tama today by three goals to nil.

The Warriors had two penalties saved in the first and second half by Kensi Tangis and Tigi Molea .

The New Caledonian side punished the home-side for their missed chances as Richard Sele scored the first goal in the 31st minute with a clean strike outside the box .

Tigi Molea almost leveled the game a couple of minutes later, but his clear chance went over the bar.

With four minutes added to the first half, the warriors conceded a penalty, which Richard Sele stepped up and sent Philip Mango the wrong way.

Nathaniel Hmaen added the final blow to the warrior’s misery with a goal in the final five minutes to finish the game at three nil in favor of AS Magenta.

A dejected Warriors Coach Moses Toata said Magenta’s high pressing game was the reason behind his team’s lose.

“They put alot of pressure on us right from the kickoff, that forced our players to play out from the game plan,” he said.

“We regrouped in the second half and played according to the plan but evetually we gave way for them and the game today was played with high intensity but I believed we had equal chances.

The Warriors will now face an uphill task as they await their game against Auckland City this Saturday.

By: Lowen Sei. 

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