Youth leadership and Management training end successfully at Ghaobata ward

A three-day youth leadership and management training successfully ended at Papangu community in North Guadalcanal yesterday.

The training was the first of its kind to be introduced in Guadalcanal province and the Papangu community was the first. 

Youths during the program

Guest of honor of the program was the provincial member for Ghaobata ward 21 Hon. Jonhly Saki including representatives from the Ministry of Youth Women and Children Affairs and other government stakeholders.

In his remarks Hon. Johnly Saki thanked the Papangu youth and the surrounding communities for engaging in such training which will help them become good ambassadors for their own communities in the future.

“What you have learned from this training will mold you to become role models inside your own communities,” Hon. Saki said.

MPA for Gaobata ward Hon. Jonhly Saki

Speaking on behalf of the community, President of Papangu Youth Council Mr. Danny Rasile acknowledged Hon. Saki and those from the Ministry of Youth, Women and Children Affairs for making the training successful.

Mr. Rasile said the program covers important topics include youth leadership roles, qualities of a good youth leader, ethics of leadership, choice and decision making and many more which give clear understating to the participants of what is their role as a youth ambassador they should do to help their communities in engaging young youths from not to involve in unlawful activities.

Mr. Rasile also acknowledged Hon. Saki for his continued support in making sure everyone was involved and took part in the program.

President of Papangu Youth Council Mr. Danny Rasile

Dann Tanagu, one of the youth participants, said he was very happy to be part of the three-day workshop and also excited to learn the roles and responsibility as a young leader to give back to the community.

“After this workshop I came to know that youths also play some important roles within every society and the only thing we youth should understand is our roles and responsibility,” Mr Tanagu said.

More than 50 participants attended the training that ended with a chupu handing over ceremony from Hon. Saki  to the Papangu Youth Council.


By Junior Oiofa 

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