Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia. Photo credit: OPMC.

                                                   Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia. Photo credit: OPMC.

Logging companies operating in Malaita province have owed more than $4 million worth of provincial revenue to the province.

Malaita Premier Hon. Peter Chanel Ramohia told SIBC News in a recent interview.

He says about 10 logging companies are operating in the province with outstanding fees.

“They have incurred outstanding fees totalling to more than $4 million which is a substantial amount owed to the Province. We have about 10 companies operating in the province and they have until the end of March and most of them still have to pay $400,000 each for their outstanding fees.”

The Premier said plans are in place to cease all logging licenses if the companies fail to pay up their outstanding dues.

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