SINTA General Secretary Samson Faisi. Photo credit: SIBC.

SINTA General Secretary Samson Faisi. Photo credit: SIBC.

The country commemorates World Teacher’s day today.

The celebration has been shifted forward because the actual day falls on Sunday 5th October.

Solomon Islands National Teacher’s Association SINTA General Secretary, Samson Faisi told SIBC, World Teacher’s Day is an event to recognise teachers for their teaching effort and sacrifice.

“If you look carefully at this World Teachers Day, it is supposed to be a day where parents, school authorities, students as well as the Ministry of Education with Education Authorities should show recognition for teachers. It’s a day in which teachers should be recognised for their effort and for taking up the role of teachers in this nation.”

SIBC News understands, SINTA will be awarding outstanding members with a medal in today’s celebration.

Meanwhile, Teachers in North Malaita have questioned their education authorities – why they were not part of the world event today.

Concerned teacher Teddy Waneta from North Malaita says World Teacher’s Day is an event to unite as well as give teachers the space to network with the rest of their colleagues.

“The main question most of us teachers have by listening to yesterday’s program is who is responsible to arrange such programs for us so that all teachers in the Northern region of Malaita would come together on that day.”

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