An example of a system overload. Photo: Courtesy of

An example of a system overload. Photo: Courtesy of

A system overload at the Ministry of Education’s National Examinations Unit has caused inconveniences for parents, students and the Malaita Education Authority in getting their school results on time.

Confirming this to SIBC News today, Acting Chief Education Officer, Richard Hou says they were informed of the problem after querying the ministry responsible.

“What the ministry of education relayed to me is that the system used to cater for collecting all information was overloaded and they were not able to complete every information before delivering the results to all education authorities, that is the reason”.

Mr. Hou further adds they are also having problems with their email system, and are still waiting for the results.

Asked whether these would delay the start of the academic year for schools in Malaita province, Mr. Hou confirmed it is possible.

“Even some of the principals that they need to receive their school results so that they can return to their schools, we’re unable to get the results back to them, so we only advise them to wait until we receive information from the division concerned then we can be able to inform them. So, yes the delay of the exam results will also affect Malaita Education Authority schools”, said the Acting Chief Education officer.

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