ABC TV program Landline on the web. Photo credit: SIBC.

ABC TV program Landline on the web. Photo credit: SIBC.

Australia’s ABC Television Landline team will be arriving in Honiara this week to film a short documentary on the Kokonut Pacific story in Solomon Islands.

Kokonut Pacific produces virgin coconut oil and a range of coconut oil based soaps and oils.

The Certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil that is produced by 40 different villages in Solomon Islands is sold through Kokonut Pacific in Australia, Europe and North America.

The KPSI Managing Director, Bob Pollard said their model gives great value to village producers.

Mr Pollard also says this is a great opportunity to share the exciting story of how DME technology is impacting village communities in Solomon Islands since it was introduced in 2004.

The Managing Director also said they are privileged to have ABC television take an interest in their story and how this industry is the dream come true of the technology inventor Dr. Dan Etherington who is also visiting at this time.

Sean Murphy and the Landline TV program team arrived in Honiara today.

While in the country, the team will visit the KPSI centre at Lungga, interview stakeholders and visit some DME Virgin Coconut Oil producers in their villages.

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