A screen shot of the Office of the Auditor General's Website. Photo credit: SIBC.

A screen shot of the Office of the Auditor General’s Website. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Office of the Auditor General ( OAG) has accused Island Sun Newspaper for its recent misreporting.

In an article today, Island Sun News Paper reports the Office of the Auditor General is not up to standard in terms of performance required under international auditing standard.

This has caused the AG Office to experience weakness on the strength and effectiveness of its internal controls over the receipting and expending of public monies in Solomon Islands.

Responding to this statement, Acting Auditor General, Robert Cohen says the report is inaccurate.

Mr Cohen says under international auditing standard and with the help of government agencies, the ultimate measure of success for Audit Offices is always to improve the lives of all citizens.

Robert Cohen says AG’s contribution to accountability is through its reports.

Mr Cohen reaffirms the professionalism of his office and the staff is always of very high standard.

SIBC News understands the newspaper misquoted Acting Auditor General, Robert Cohen’s statement given to the members of Parliament during their induction session in Parliament yesterday.

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