Asian businessman caught illegally crossing border


Looking towards the Solomon Islands-Bougainville border

An Asian businessman was intercepted trying to leave the country illegally through the Bougainville border exit.

Our source said, the Malaysian logger intended to sneak out to Bougainville without travel documents.

When questioned by the authority, the Asian said, he had been in the country since 2014, operating as a Logging Camp Manager.

Meanwhile, the Choiseul Provincial Police Commander, Vincent Eria who spoke to SIBC news from Taro this morning warned nationals and foreigners crossing the Solomon Islands- Bougainville border illegally, they will be caught.

PPC Eria said, Police is aware that certain Asians and locals have been trying to cross the border to Bougainville to buy bech de mer.

Everyone must refrain from illegal border crossing, and community members assisting illegal movement around the border area will be questioned and arrested, he stressed.

He explained, the Government had banned bech de mer in Solomon Islands.

PPC Eria said, RSIPF and other law Enforcement Offices- Immigration, Customs and Bio-security are tightening security mechanisms to ensure citizens and foreigners abide by the Solomon Islands immigration laws.


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