SIBC North Malaita stringer John Andrew Kiri. Photo credit: SIBC.

SIBC North Malaita stringer John Andrew Kiri. Photo credit: SIBC.

The travelling public of North Malaita is calling on responsible authorities to quickly fix a deteriorating timber bridge at Madalua, near Falau.

The bridge was built way back in the 90s only with logs and timber and its current condition is risking lives.

SIBC Stringer John Andrew Kiri reports the 40 metres Madalua bridge has outlived its usefulness.

“This 40 metres Madalua bridge has no support brace in the middle for safety. It was built only with four logs going from one end to the other, but the problem is only one log remains on the other end while another had rotted away, which pose a real risk to lives in the region.”

Meanwhile Mr Kiri adds, the people also raised concerns over a 15 kilometres road in Wards seven and eight in the region that needs urgent repairs.

“The North Malaita general travelling populace are concerned over the bad state of the 15 kilometres road from Kwaisafu to Varafau in Wards seven and eight in the Constituency. Two fallen bridges of Foubobolo and Na’o as well as Dodoia culvert crossing are also in dire need of repairs to ensure a good road access.”

SIBC News understands the infrastructure concerns have been raised for some time now.

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