A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo: SIBC.

A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo: SIBC.

Police in Buala, Isabel Province are investigating a stabbing incident involving an adult male and his daughter.

The Police Media Unit says the incident happened on Monday night and is believed to have happened after an argument between the man and his daughter over the daughter’s boyfriend of which the man did not approve.

The Police Media Unit says following the argument the man stabbed his daughter three times in her chest with a kitchen knife.

He has been on the run since the stabbing on Monday.

In the latest development, the young woman has died from her stab wounds yesterday afternoon.

She is said to be between 20 and 22 years old.

Speaking from Buala yesterday, SIBC’s Reporter Kikiva Tuni says the Director of Buala Hospital, Dr Donald Kafa confirmed the young woman’s death.

“A young female between the age of 20 to 22 years old has passed away this afternoon at the Buala Hospital from very severe wounds from her father. Buala Hospital Director, Dr Donald Kafa confirmed her death after 1pm this afternoon.”

SIBC News understands police investigation is still continuing, and the accused is believed to be still on the run.

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