Careless driving cases increase in Honiara


An early morning traffic jam in Honiara. Photo: Lowen Sei

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Traffic Department recorded an increase in traffic incidents related to careless driving in Honiara recently.

Twelve cases were recorded during police traffic checks last week, which is an increase of five cases from the previous round of checks.

Acting Director of the RSIPF Traffic Department Inspector Brian Surimalefo said officers will continue to carry out traffic checks next week to ensure the city’s roads are safe for the public.

Mr Surimalefo urged against drink-driving and said potholes and other road issues require drivers to be extra careful.

“Please drivers, drive patiently,” he said. “If you don’t drive patiently, you will cut in on other vehicles when they move, and that will cause accidents.”

By Allen Waitara

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