Category: Disaster Preparedness and Response

IOM provides Solomon Islands with Equipment to Support Community Vulnerability Assessments
Climate Change

IOM provides Solomon Islands with Equipment to Support Community Vulnerability Assessments

Eliza Kukutu- June 6, 2024

On 4th June, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), through support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), handed over specialized technical equipment to the ... Read More

ADRA concludes disaster training for Gounasu community

ADRA concludes disaster training for Gounasu community

Fredrick Kusu- April 1, 2024

The Gounasu Community in North Malaita has completed a week-long Disaster Evacuation Centre Management Training (ECMT), equipping them to respond effectively to any natural disasters ... Read More

SBD$2.7 million for Cyclone Lola’s emergency response in Temotu
Disaster Preparedness and Response

SBD$2.7 million for Cyclone Lola’s emergency response in Temotu

Fredrick Kusu- November 4, 2023

The total cost to respond to the communities in Temotu Province which were affected by the recent havoc caused by Tropical Cyclone Lola is totaled ... Read More

Premier Maka’a Applauds MWA’s Disaster Preparedness and Response project
Disaster Preparedness and Response

Premier Maka’a Applauds MWA’s Disaster Preparedness and Response project

Fredrick Kusu- August 24, 2022

The premier of Makira-Ulawa Province Julian Maka’a applauded the initiative taken by the Matavale Women’s Association (MWA) to carry out a Disaster Preparedness and Response ... Read More