Malaita Premier Peter Ramohia, Guadalcanal Premier Batholomew Vavanga and Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: OPMC.

Malaita Premier Peter Ramohia, Guadalcanal Premier Batholomew Vavanga and Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: OPMC.

A combined delegation from the Malaita and Guadalcanal Provincial Governments held a meeting with the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare at the Prime Minister’s Office to be updated on the progress of major national projects in the two provinces.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare assure the premiers that the government was only been able to start delivering its projects in the last two and half months since coming into power after passing its budget and start making tenders for the projects.

The Prime Minister said a detail report of the projects will be availed to the two provincial heads after the Prime Minister has held a round of consultation with his Cabinet Ministers in the immediate future.

Meanwhile, Malaita Premier Peter Chanel Ramohia said the alignment of the national government and provincial government’s policies is crucial to realise the implementation of the major projects in Malaita.

Mr Ramohia said he is content that some projects in Malaita, such as the Fiu Hydro Project are progressing at a satisfactory phase but also acknowledged that some Malaita priority projects have been progressing quite slowly and would require to be boosted.

Singing the same tune, Guadalcanal Premier said the slow progress in reviving the Gold Ridge Mine comes as a real concern for his administration.

In response, the Prime Minister said the issue of reopening the mine is getting more complex as the reopening issue has been taken off the government’s hand by the commercial arm of the Gold Ridge Community and Landowners Association.

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