
A voter of Kia/Hograno Constituency in Isabel Province Steven Billy has accused their Member of Parliament for illegally employing his sacked CDO, Edwin Ero.

Mr. Billy told SIBC News last Friday, it is wrong for the MP Selwyn Riumana to engage Mr. Ero because his employment was already dismissed by the Ministry of Public Service last year.

He says the Ministry of Public Service also confirmed Mr. Ero’s sacking in writing.

“He was never reinstated by the Public Service as confirmed by Public Service yesterday when I consulted them. They told me they didn’t reinstate Edwin Ero as a CDO and he supposed not to be engaged in constituency work as it government work that any private person should do”.

The Kia/ Hograno voter says their Member of Parliament should engage a new CDO appointed by the Ministry responsible.

“So we want if the honourable wants he should find a government officer to do the job and not an outsider”, said Mr. Billy.

SIBC News understands Mr. Ero was sacked after he failed to declare his employment with Rock Haven Inn in 2012 to the Leadership Code Commission and the Ministry of Public Service.

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