The Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: SIBC.

Solomon Islands must not repeat the same mistakes of harbouring administrators who think they are above the law says, Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition Jeremiah Manele.

Mr Manele made the statement in Parliament recently when contributing to the 2015 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2015.

He says the country has suffered enough in most instances, at the hands of its own professional people, who think they are above the law.

He says it is time for these people to be dealt with severely.

“So it is time that those who repeatedly commit the same mistakes are severely dealt with and if need be, removed from the government and from dealing with the government. This country must not male the same mistake of harbouring administrators who think and act as though they are above the law or as though they are the law. These kinds of administrators Mr Speaker must not be allowed to continue to ransack this country for personal or private gains. We must stop them now and stop them for good.”

While he appreciates the Ministry of Finance and Treasury for having in place procedural measures to control standing imprests and bank accounts, the Opposition Leader says nothing was done for project accounts.

“Mr Speaker I noted that the Ministry of Finance and Treasury has put in place procedural measures to control such things as standing imprests, bank accounts and this is good news. However, I also note
that the Ministry is unable to do the same with project accounts. Mr Speaker this is not good enough, the Ministry and the Government must find and create mechanisms to address these issues.”

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