TSI officers at their office in China Town, Honiara. Photo: Courtesy of TSI

TSI officers at their office in China Town, Honiara. Photo: Courtesy of TSI.

Corruption can be eradicated by strategies of deterrence, prevention and education, says Transparency Solomon Islands.

On deterrence, the anti-corruption body says this is an ultimate measure against corrupters and people who resort to corrupt practices.

TSI says it has been tested around the world, making it more difficult for leaders and public officials to involve in acts of corruption.

It says deterrence can be done through increase of penalties and serious investigations to current cases that are before national investigative authorities.

TSI says a lot of the cases have been sitting there for a very long time.

It says the prolonging of cases places more doubt on whether the institutions responsible are actually effective and has the will to enforce their responsibilities.

The anti-corruption group says when more cases are investigated, prosecuted and resolved, it will give a warning and people would be less likely to indulge in corruption.

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