“Cuba and Solomon Islands are building extraordinary links between brothers and sisters of the Third World”.
Solomon Islands new Ambassador representing Cuba Jose Manuel Galego Montano made the statement last Thursday when he presented his letter of credence to the Governor General.
He told Sir Frank Kabui the two countries relations of cooperation must inspire other rich countries to help poor countries.
He said Cuba is ready for more contributions towards Solomon Islands development.
Ambassador Montano also said he is here to contribute with all his heart, and put his best effort into creating a new chapter for the bilateral relation to benefit people in Cuba and Solomon Islands.
He adds he wants to know the initiatives and ideas for a better relationship between Cuba and Solomons, so they can continue working together in education, health, introduction of medicine, technology, sport, and prevention of disasters, industrialization and other fields.
Ambassador Montano also pledged Cuba’s will to continue fighting with its brothers and sisters of the Third World, for their development and for a better world.