Leader of the Parliamentary Independent Hon. Dr. Derek Sikua. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Leader of the Parliamentary Independent Hon. Dr. Derek Sikua. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Leader of the Independent Group in Parliament and MP for North East Guadalcanal, Dr. Derek Sikua has clarified confusions that the Amendment made in the Lands and Titles Act will also deal with Customary land.

Speaking in Parliament this week, Dr. Derek Sikua says the amendment made in the Act has nothing to do with the customary land.

“So I’d like to tell my people clearly Mr. Speaker, that this amendment has nothing to do with the customary land ownership and that it will not deal with customary land under the existing principle act to deal differently with it, so I would like to clarify that, in case my people think that this deals with customary land, no.”

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