Robert Stefanski. Photo credit: Twitter.

                                                              Robert Stefanski. Photo credit: Twitter.

The three days consultation workshop on the development of Solomon Islands National Drought Policy begins today.

The workshop aims to establish an effective National Policy.

Chief Agricultural Meteorology Division Climate Predication and Adaptation Branch Climate and Water Department Department Robert Stefanski hopes after the workshop, stakeholders in attendance will develop a National Drought Policy.

“The idea of this three days workshop is to see where they are, see how they are communicating. I believe they already have some institutions, for example, the National Disaster Mitigation office, somethings like these. We’re not advocating to develop something new; if you already have a structure where all these different stakeholders communicate that’s great, but we want to add in the drought component.”

The workshop is organized by the department of Meteorology, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology Services in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP).

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