Lake Tengano in East Rennell. Photo credit: Banaban Voice.

Lake Tengano in East Rennell. Photo credit: Banaban Voice.

The East Rennell World Heritage Management Committee has described as “false” claims that East Rennell was de-listed as a World Heritage site.

The Committee was responding to statements made by Renbell Premier Lence Tango, who claimed the area was de-listed due to threats from mining and logging activities.

But clarifying the statement Committee Secretary, George Tauika said East Rennell’s World Heritage status was not de-listed but is endangered according to the Ministry of Environment and Conservation.

He said the Ministry has given a three year period for the people, provincial government and stakeholders to legally protect the area.

“The Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Conservation and Environment has assured me that East Rennell’s status is endangered, meaning it has never been de-listed and they are putting another three years for the Committee and other stakeholders to work together protect the place legally, so what the Premier has said on media is false.”

Mr Tauika urged the people of East Rennell to work hard and complete management plans to legally protect East Rennell from destructive activities.

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