EXCLUSIVE: Boxing Sensation, Silisia ‘The Destroyer’ attributes victory to faith and support

EXCLUSIVE: Boxing Sensation, Silisia ‘The Destroyer’ attributes victory to faith and support


Solomon Islands Professional Boxer, and Australia’s adopted son, Lemuel Silisia said the victory from his second professional fight over the weekend is a testament to his steadfast faith in God and for the continuous support through unceasing prayers from elders in his home village of Laugwata, Malaita Province.

In a thrilling display of skill and determination, Silisia ‘The Destroyer’ , triumphed in his fight by taking down his opponent, Simon Rendina, in a Technical Knockout (TKO). Rendina is also a professional boxer well known in Australia as ‘Rampage’.

Through an exclusive post-fight interview with SIBC, Silisia expressed his heartfelt gratitude to God and the respected elders of Laugwata, whose continual prayers have fortified his spirit and guided him towards success.

“God has been my strength throughout this journey. I want to give all the glory back to God,” Silisia humbly confessed.

“I believe that with God, everything is possible. I want to thank the elders of my village for their unwavering faith in me and their prayers, which have undoubtedly paved my way to victory,” he added.

The fight night: Taking on ‘Rampage’ his opponent

The Destroyer is being declared winner after the Referee stopped the fight by TKO

Facing Simon ‘Rampage’ Rendina, a talented opponent with a lot of professional experience, Silisia showcased his incredible skills and tireless preparation inside the boxing ring.

With a disciplined training schedule under the expert guidance of his coach Jamie Carroll, Silisia entered the ring with full confidence and focus.

Silisia detailed the intense preparations leading up to the bout, acknowledging the countless hours spent honing his craft. “Training was intense, but it has all paid off on the fight night,” he revealed. “My coach, Jamie Caroll, has been a pillar of support, pushing me to my limits and ensuring that I am ready for any challenge that comes my way.”

He said, his intention in the first round was to knock out his opponent early. But, that did not work out as planned.

“I think this is because of the experience that my opponent has, that’s why it took me until the third round to finally succeeded. In terms of the punches he threw, it was well managed because I trained for such conditions,” Silisia said.

His coach, Jamie, was also a happy man after Silisia’s victory last Saturday night.

He said “Lemuel’s victory was a very good one on the weekend.”

The future of ‘The Destroyer’ in professional boxing

Jamie Caroll

Lemuel Silisia

Jamie said the victory is another stepping stone in the professional boxing journey of Silisia. Despite a long way to go, he said he is confident in the fighter’s dedication and the hard work.

“It’s just his second bout and it was a good opponent very tough, very durable opponent that’s done many rounds with world rated fighters. [But] Lemuel puts him away in good style. And, I have full faith that he can go all the way as far as he wants to do it. It’s just a long road,” he said.

He further added, the professional game is very tough and hard sport and he thinks Lemuel has tools to go as far as he’s willing to go.

Looking ahead to the boxer’s future endeavors, both Silisia and his coach, expressed their ambitions for the upcoming year.

Fueled by the huge support and enthusiasm they now encountered, the duo sets their sights on more professional fights in 2024 that would further elevate the Solomon Islands’ boxing prowess on the global stage.

A busy 2024: More pro-fights means more financial support

“I think this is my last professional fight for 2023. I will hopefully return to the boxing ring in early 2024. But that will depend entirely on my coaches and promoters to set the next date for my third pro-bout,” Silisia said.

Jamie said next year is going to be a very busy year for the team, as they’re looking to go around Australia and fight in as many places as they can.

“We’ve got fights in Melbourne. Lots of promoters are interested in putting Lemuel on. He’s an exciting fighter. He brings good power,” the coach added.

With so many big plans ahead for 2024, Jamie said the Solomon Island people needs to get behind ‘The Destroyer’ because he’s a great representation.

“I would like to say to the people of Solomon Islands that Lemuel is over here in a foreign country. And he’s doing a very tough sport with minimal support. I would like people from Solomon Islands to reach out to us and offer some support as in the financial needs of lending to us, as a club,” Jamie said.

To be able to compete in these fights, one must be ready to pay for training equipment, sparing, travelling, motels, flights. “There’s a lot of costs involved to prepare these guys for these big fights,” Jamie added.

‘The Destroyer’ conveys appreciation to One2boxing and supporters

Expressing his heartfelt appreciation, Silisia conveyed, “I want to thank my fans and supporters, those from Tamworth, my Solomon Islands brothers and sisters that came out on Saturday night as well as those watching from home through social media.”

“To all the people of the Solomon Islands who have shown massive support and belief in me, your faith in my abilities is a constant source of inspiration, and I am honored to carry the pride of our nation in the ring.”

He also extended his deepest gratitude to his Cub, One2Boxing for being helpful in preparing him as a professional fighter.

“Thank you One2Boxing, the management, and everyone in the club. We’re more than just a club, but we are family. Coming in here, it’s a different culture at first for me, but now I amsettling in well,” said Silisia.

While eagerly waiting for the next challenge, ‘The Destrpoyer’ encourages all Amarture boxers back at home to keep on doing what they do. “I am still continuing in my own run, so let’s continue to journey on and ask God to give us strenght.” –ENDS//

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