Lord Mayor of Honiara City Alfrence Fatai. Photo credit: SIBC.

Lord Mayor of Honiara City Alfrence Fatai. Photo credit: SIBC.

The freestyle dance culture has negatively influenced youths’ lifestyle and the Honiara City Council must be partly blamed for promoting it, claims a parent.

The Honiara parent says she has watched youths involve more in freestyle activities than spending time indoors and on school work.

The mother says youths lifestyle and especially their dress code changed drastically since the freestyle vibe permeated into Honiara.

She says worst still, the western style of dance is rapidly spreading into the provinces.

The mother blames the HCC, alleging it is the main beneficiary in gate takings when it hosts a competition.

But in his response, the City Mayor Alfrence Fatai says HCC spends $30,000.00 in dance competition sponsorship and does not instil the freestyle culture into the young people.

“What really happened was that as a City Mayor, I am organising this and sponsored it for $30,000.00 for the youth, but what effect it would have on them I don’t know.”

Mr. Fatai apologizes for the negative effects of the activity on school children in Honiara.

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