Forum Solomon Islands International. Photo: SIBC.

Forum Solomon Islands International. Photo: SIBC.

Forum Solomon Islands International is demanding that the Government report on issues around filling the country’s High Commission Offices in Canberra and Port Moresby.

On its discussion page, FSII members also seek explanation on the delay in sending an Ambassador to Taipei, Taiwan.

The concerned members question why these positions are vacant for some time.

FSII says given the special relationship Solomon Islands have with these three countries, it is important that these diplomatic head of missions are filled immediately.

SIBC News is aware, a name each has been announced for the Canberra and Port Moresby Office.

Meanwhile, Solomon Islands High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea Barnabas Anga will leave the country this Saturday to take up his role in Port Moresby.

In an interview with SIBC News today Mr Anga says he is very happy to go back to Port Moresby to start his new job.

“I’ll be leaving the country this Saturday 10th. Although I’ve left, I’ll be accompanying the Prime Minister and his delegation to the Forum Leaders meeting, but I’ll have to return to collect my work permit, so I am very happy to return this Saturday.”

He adds, our High Commission Missions overseas are important because they are seen as links to our country.

“Our High Commission is one important link for our country because the important role to be played by the High Commission is to represent the government of the day, but more importantly the people.”

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