Government Productive Sector meet to ensure projects are implemented

The Policy Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Unit (PIMEU) Productive Sector of the Office of the Prime minister and Cabinet hosted a collaborative meeting with the Directors of the various Productive Sector government line Ministries. 

Solomon Islands Public Officers representing the Productive Government Ministrie with PMO Officials

Last Friday’s meeting was chaired by Policy Secretary Productive Sector Mr. Wilson Karamui and focused on 2022 Budget objective of the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA), Policies and Budget Alignment with discussion’s covering way forward as well as highlight and addressing the bottlenecks in implementing budgeted programs.

The 2022 Budget main objective is to contain and manage  the Spread of COVID 19 where the policy seeks to Protect all Solomon Islanders by continuing to strengthen our domestic COVID 19 response ‘fire walls” and in ensuring all Solomon Islanders are protected from the deadly COVID 19.

The Policy and budgetary response focuses on improving our capacity to deal effectively with similar health issues in the future.

The second main objective of the 2022 budget is in Accelerating Economic Recovery and laying the foundation for growth.

This involves the streamlining and refocusing of development investments to projects that yield high economic returns, and adapting to the new trading environment and creation of economic opportunities for all Solomon Islanders by improving capacity and increase the ability to withstand the ongoing impacts of the COVID 19.

The meeting of the Productive Sector government ministries was also an opportunity for PIMEU to inform the respective government ministries of the Policy framework and the Development Budget framework for 2023.


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