Timeline set for anti-corruption bill


Members of civil society march to the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to deliver a petition on retabling the Anti-Corruption Bill on September 19, 2017

The Government is aiming to pass the latest version of the anti-corruption bill by July.

The Anti-Corrpution Bill 2017 has been before the Bills and Legislation Committee since it was reintroduced to Parliament last October.

According to a statement from the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Press Secretariat, the bill missed out on the current sitting timeframe due to the requirement for the BLC to scrutinise the bill and the priority given to passing the 2018 budget.

The Government encouraged collaboration from the BLC to get the anti-corruption bill ready for July’s sitting.

The statement said the Government would like to proceed with the anti-corruption bill and other bills before Parliament, and it hopes the BLC can produce the reports in time for Parliamentary debate.

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