Guadalcanal Provincial flag. Photo credit: crwflags.

Guadalcanal Provincial flag. Photo credit: crwflags.

Guadalcanal Premier, Bartholomeo Vavanga has assured his executive members to work together in ensuring development for the province.

Premier Vavanga made the assurance after 11 of his executive members took their provincial portfolios yesterday.

Acting Provincial Secretary, Charles Sisimia told SIBC News the Premier called for cooperation from his ministers as their collaborative efforts will move Guadalcanal Province forward.

“He emphasised more on working together to build up the province, noting that it takes a collective effort from all the executive members from their respective areas of responsibility to bring the province forward. Mainly, he has asked them to work together, noting that there are challenges to come as time goes on.”

SIBC News understands, the Premier announced his Provincial Executive line up yesterday.

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