Guadalcanal workers in Canada increasing



Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau with Ashwant Dwivedi. Photo: PMO, Canada

Another Solomon Islander from Guadalcanal will be heading to Canada to work.

Tourism graduate of the Guadalcanal Province-Canadian International Training & Education Corp program Grace Delight has been granted a Canadian immigration nomination for permanent residence to work in Canada.

She will be employed as a cook and will soon travel to Canada under the country’s immigrant nomination program to take charge of a restaurant business.

Ms Delight is the third nominee from Solomon Islands for the permanent residency program.

In August, GP-CITREC graduates Amelia Muse and Careka Volly were the first two people from Guadalcanal Province to be granted a nomination for Canadian permanent residency.

Three other GP-CITREC workers left for Canada to participate in an Agriculture Canada pilot project last month.

The workers — Baddley Sepo, Jonathan Benosi, and Mclin Tiaro — were granted their two-year work permit under the agriculture management pilot project.

CITREC Chairman Ashwant Dwivedi said it was a significant achievement as it showed that people from Guadalcanal can multi-task and contribute to Canada’s food industry.

“On an average since August of this year, we have added two workers into Canadian workforce each month from the province of Guadalcanal,” Mr Dwivedi said. “We are proud of this achievement and we look forward to having more recruitment of GP-CITREC graduates in the very near future.”

He said three applications for seasonal workers are now being processed.

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke said Guadalcanal Province is achieving its mandate of educating, training and putting people to work as part of his government’s human resources policy.

“We started off by sending people for employment to Canada under a four-month scheme, then we started to prepare our graduates for 24-month employment opportunity,” he said. “Now we will have three GP people employed in Canada under permanent residence nomination program with another application under process.”

The partnership between Guadalcanal Province and CITREC allows people from the province to be employed in Canada on a short-term or long-term basis in the agriculture, tourism and hospitality sectors.

Premier Veke said his government’s partnership with CITREC will also provide opportunities to Solomon Islands as a whole.

“I know that Guadalcanal is setting the stepping stones for this opportunity for the Solomon Islands,” he said, “And I am proud that GP is willing and able to prove its success.”

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