HCC logo. Photo credit: www.honiaracitycouncil.com

HCC logo. Photo credit: www.honiaracitycouncil.com

Thirty-six staff members of the Honiara City Council (HCC) this week had the privilege to learn basic first aid from the visiting New Zealand Offshore Patrol Vessel HMNZS.

A statement from HCC said the basic first aid training was conducted onboard the Patrol Vessel by the visiting New Zealand team.

It says the Council staff were selected based on their roles with a focus on those who perform hazardous jobs or deal directly with the public.

One of the participants Chief Education Officer Wayne Koebule has described the first aid training as a privilege for many of them.

He said the training will really help some of the staff as some of them are working in an unsafe environment.

Mr. Koebule added, now the staff are equipped with first aid skills and hope to put into practice what they have learned.

The training was conducted on board the New Zealand Patrol Vessel HMNZS Wellington, which left the country yesterday.

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