HCC logo. Photo credit: HCC.

HCC logo. Photo credit: HCC.

Honiara City Youth Department under the Youth Division of the Honiara City Council has taken delivery of new equipments.

The equipments are funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace (MNURP) through the “Human Security initiative for Tension Reduction Reconciliation and Rehabilitation project in Solomon Islands”.

The office equipments and furniture’s are mainly to support the new counseling office for young people which the Youth Department will be implementing.

A media statement from HCC’s Communication Bureau states the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Ms. Akiko Suzaki has said that under the project, UNDP has been supporting local initiatives for trauma recovery and peaceful co-existence in Honiara, Malaita and Guadalcanal.

The statement quotes Ms Suzaki as saying through the donation, UNDP hopes to empower young Solomon Islanders suffering from mental health problems.

She adds, it is expected that, through the counseling service, Honiara City Council Youth Department and national counselors will assist youths find solutions to their problems.

Ms. Suzaki further states, the project aims at consolidating trauma and reintegration counselling mechanisms at community level.

However, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Unity Reconciliation and Peace Mr Lennis Rukale said he believes the equipments will assist the council to advance the process of Peace Building.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony yesterday Mr Rukale said they are aware that human security and human rights are important in Solomon Islands, adding it is evident that due to the lingering causes of the ethnic conflict; effects such as social fragmentation, chronic poverty and lack of basic social facilities in many areas of our societies are still evident.

Mr. Rukale adds the work of peace building and conflict resolution remain substantial component to address in post-conflict Solomon Islands.

Meanwhile speaking on behalf of the HCC, Head of Division for Youth Rolland Pauku thanked the UNDP and MNURP for the assistance, saying the equipments will enhance the youth division in supporting their programs.

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