Signs of heavy rain. Photo credit: SIBC.

Signs of heavy rain. Photo credit: SIBC.

A Heavy Rain Alert is in force for Choiseul, Isabel and Malaita Provinces.

Solomon Islands Meteorological Services issued the warning at 5pm this afternoon as ‘Heavy Rain Alert Number Two’.

The alert was issued following a trough lying over the country with associated cloud and rain expected to affect the Northeastern parts of the Solomon Islands within the next 48 hours.

The Met Office warns that such localised heavy rain showers may lead to flash flooding over communities living close to large rivers, streams and low-lying areas.

The next update will be issued at 6am tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) has issued a ‘What To Do’ information for Choiseul, Isabel and Malaita Provinces at twenty minutes to eleven this morning.

The ‘What To Do’ information explains people living in or close to rivers and streams including those in low lying areas are strongly advised to take safety precautions by listening to the radio for emergency information as flooding may occur without warning.

It adds village leaders and families should check that their neighbours and vulnerable people have received this advice.

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