Mrs Dasipio who was awarded. Photo credit: TNC.

Mrs Dasipio who was awarded. Photo credit: TNC.

President of the Ysabel Mothers Union, Moira Dasipio has been awarded an international environmental leadership award, called the Women Leadership Award.

A statement from The Nature Conservancy, TNC, today says, the award was given to Mrs Dasipio in recognition of her positive contribution to the Isabel Ridges to Reefs Conservation Plan.

TNC Project Manager, Robyn James described Mrs Dasipio as a true leader who creates change for her people and who really cares about ensuring that future generations have a healthy environment to call home.

He says the achievement comes when the Mothers Union does so much with very little funding to promote positive family and social values, and sustainable management of resources to benefit everyone now and in the future.

SIBC News understands Ms Dasipio is among other women who will receive their awards next week in Manado, Indonesia.

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