Iumi Tugeda Initiative Gains Momentum with More packages Sold Out


The Iumi Tugeda Holiday initiative is gaining momentum with packages being sold out to the Public Service for a particular resort in East Guadalcanal.

Solomon Airlines Commercial Manager Collin Sigimanu told journalists in a media conference yesterday.

Solomon Airlines Commercial Manager Collin Sigimanu

“The public service is now coming on board, we have now seen a marked increase in travel under the Iumi Tugeda Holiday initiative between December 2020 and January 2021.

A particular resort in Marau, Milk Fish has been totally booked and that’s basically coming from the public service who has taken more interest in using the holiday package,” Mr Sigimanu said. 

 Mr Sigimanu said the incentive really helps the airline with its revenue and also keep tourism businesses operating during the current covid-19 pandemic.

“The incentive really helps us with the revenue and cash flow. This is a positive sign for our local tourism operators in the provinces which the package is assisting them in the absence of international tourists coming in,” Mr Sigimanu added.

The Iumi Tugeda Holiday incentive was launched earlier this year to keep the country’s tourism and airline industry in business in this time of pandemic.

By Sharon Nanau

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