
Japan signs Beautification contract

Embassy of Japan has signed a Grant Contract of more than 4 -hundred thousand dollars with Solomon Environment Beautification in Honiara today.

The Grant funding comprises a three ton dump truck, a set of solar power generating system and a rain water tank.

Handing over the assistance, Japanese Ambassador, Mr Satoshi Nakajima said he fully acknowledges the unique and important role Solo Environment Beautification has done over the years to clean up and beautify Honiara City.

Ambassador Nakajima says the Embassy of Japan is very happy to assist the Solo Enviro Beautification.

Meanwhile,Chairperson of Solo Enviro Beautification Ms Keithie Sanders said she is very grateful, Japan continues to support the Solo Enviro Beautification programs, environmental protection and enhancement of Solomon Islands.

SIBC News understands the grant aid signing is part of the Japanese Grant Aid Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project in the country.

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