Guadalcanal Premier Stephen Panga described the alleged payments of shipping grants to Bradley Tovosia  MP for East Guadalcanal and Joseph Onika MP for East Central Guadalcanal as corrupt and reaping off public funds. Photo: SIBC

Guadalcanal Premier Stephen Panga. Photo: SIBC

Guadalcanal Premier Stephen Panga has warned the NCRA Government against directly approaching landowners about land dealings in Guadalcanal Province.

Premier Panga made the statement after receiving information from land owners and community leaders regarding land acquisitions for the Tina Hydro project.

Panga said people of Guadalcanal have had enough of such dealings and the Provincial Government will not entertain land dealing for national developments that will not bring equal ownership to resource owners.

The Guadalcanal Premier also said any national development taking place in Guadalcanal should recognize the rights of land owners and provide reasonable shares for their benefit through transparent land acquisition policies.





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