Former Renbel Premier Lence Tangosia. Photo credit: George Hemming.

Former Renbel Premier Lence Tangosia. Photo credit: George Hemming.

Rennell and Bellona Province now has a new Premier, after a month of the political impasse.

He is Johnston Peseika, the Provincial Assembly Member for Ward 3 in the Province.

Clerk to Assembly Victor Maitaki said Johnston Peseika’s victory comes after Provincial Speaker Norman Sao convened full assembly meeting yesterday – proceeding with an open nomination for the Premier’s post.

Mr Maitaki said Johnston Peseika was declared the new Premier elect for Rennell and Bellona Province, after his office received only one nomination.

“During the process of the meeting nominations are open for the MPAs can be able to nominate whom they think to become the next Premier, so at the closure of the nominations only one nomination was received by the office of the Speaker and that is of Johnstone Peseika, nominated by Honourable William Kaunga MPA for ward 1 and seconded by Honourable Brian Ngetukai of Ward 8.”

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