MP for West Kwaio Peter Tom placing the bible into the display as Mathar Matzke of SITAG looks on. Photo credit: SITAG.

MP for West Kwaio Peter Tom placing the bible into the display as Mathar Matzke of SITAG looks on. Photo credit: SITAG.

A New Testament bible translated in the Kwaio language has been completed by the Solomon Islands Translation Advisory Group, SITAG.

A statement from the group confirmed the Kwaio translated New Testament was completed and a copy is now on display at the National Parliament Bible Display.

It says a small ceremony to hand over the bible was conducted at the Parliament.

SITAG Director, Timothy Matzke shared the history of the Kwaio Bible translation project.

Member of Parliament for West Kwaio, Peter Tom, who is Minister of Women, Youth and Children’s Affairs, while placing the Kwaio New Testament in the Bible display, thanked those who helped to make the translation available to the Kwaio people.

The Prime Minister and other members of Parliament also witnessed the short ceremony.

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