Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr Lester Ross giving the keynote address. Photo credit: SIBC.

Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services Dr Lester Ross giving the keynote address. Photo credit: SIBC.

Costs of treatment and patient care for patients with liver disease is a burden on the country’s economy, says the Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Doctor Lester Ross.

And a nationwide vaccination program can reduce this burden.

Doctor Ross made the statement when he launched the 2014 National Immunization Week, at the SIBC Leaf Hut in Honiara, today.

The National Immunization Week encourages parents to get their children vaccinated against the virus that causes liver disease, Hepatitis B.

Speaking at the launch, Doctor Ross said the program is one way to reduce the economic burden placed upon the country by lifestyle diseases.

“It places a huge burden on our country where we already have major economic challenges and problems, which is why we want to conduct this vaccination program for children so that it can reduce and prevent the cost we are faced with if children are not immunized. This helps not only children and adults but will also help our economic burden.”

The Permanent Secretary also said prevention of Hepatitis B is critical, as a healthy population makes a healthy workforce for the country.

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