Premier Ramohia and Executive. Photo credit: RSIPF.

Premier Ramohia and Executive. Photo credit: RSIPF.

The Malaita Provincial Executive fully supports the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) new crime prevention strategy, under Commissioner Frank Prendergast.

A statement from the police says Malaita Premier, Hon. Peter Ramohia and his Executive expressed their support during a meeting with Commissioner Prendergast, the RAMSI Special Coordinator, Quinton Devlin; Commander of the RAMSI Participating Police Force, Mark Ney and several RSIPF Executive members in Auki over the weekend.

During the meeting, Police Commissioner, Mr. Prendergast outlined to the Malaita Provincial Executive the broad range of programs and strategies the police force is implementing ahead of RAMSI’s departure June next year.

He says this includes the need to get adequate resources and meeting the standards expected of a modern and professional police force.

The Police media Unit reports, discipline, accountability, leadership and responsiveness and shifting to the new crime prevention model are top of the new approach.

Meanwhile, the Police boss says the RSIPF must be a proactive force amidst the changing Solomon Islands society.

SIBC News understands the Police Commissioner visited Auki last weekend.

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